Do you love mainstreets?
We’d love to hear your thoughts & ideas about how to make them thrive.
Mainstreets are the lifeblood of our cities & towns. We are dedicated to providing simple, proven & effective services that support mainstreet communities.
Give us a call to discuss what will work best in your business association or local neighbourhood.
We can help with very aspect of development & delivery of business planning & strategy including, refresh sessions, masterplanning, marketing & branding strategy, activation strategies & programming
Engagement, consultation, ideas generation, drop ins, surveys, invitations & promotion, customer feedback, retail analysis
Activation design, programming, place branding, promotion action plan, identity studies, visual merchandising
Logo design, design and construction of parkets, streetscape elements, outdoor dining, permits, marketing, festival infrastructure etc
Funding applications, change management, stakeholder engagement
5 year business plans
Whether you need a refresh or a full reimagining of your vision and strategy, we can help you make a plan that inspires participation and sparks action.
Indicative cost: $4,950 - $14,750
Step 1: Creative Working session
Step 2: Complete & formatted 5 Year Business Plan
Step 3: Delivery of a Quick Win
Delivery timeframe: 1 - 4 months
Image: Campaign designed by Grosz Co Lab
Outdoor dining & retail parklets
We have a well-tested, flexible, robust and cost effective parklet design that can be rolled out quickly in parking spaces. Either get the Hello City team to deliver from start to finish, or let us handle the design and key procurement advice and support local contractors to do construction.
Indicative cost (per market/ parking space):
Design/ trader engagement/ procurement advice $1,500 per parket
Project management / materials/ construction $4,500 - $14,500 per parklet
Delivery timeframe: 2 - 6 weeks
Automatic Main Street: Community vending machine
Showcase the best of the local offer and enliven the streetscape with this proven and much-loved activation project.
Besides bringing new streams of income to local traders and makers and showcasing their work, it can be incorporated into promotional programs such as Christmas, shop local or tourism campaigns. It is also an incredibly effective talking point and framework for creative conversations and engagement.
Indicative cost: $25,000 - $60,000 depending on scope of promotion and engagement services
Delivery timeframe: 2 - 6 weeks
Peddlars' carts & display furniture
Activate the street with these custom designed display carts, planter beds, seats and signs.
We can work with place brand. and marketing specialists Grosz Co Lab a custom campaign that is fully integrated into the carts and can be delivered as part of the physical works budget.
Indicative cost: $40,000 - $180,000 for precinct-wide programs, individual carts or DIY kits may be purchased too, contact us for pricing
Delivery timeframe: 2 - 12 weeks
Street-based Engagement
A creative engagement project that captures key retail & community insights and participation while creating powerful promotional material. Can be combined with online surveys and formal trader engagement.
Indicative cost: Includes professional photographer and engagement specialist $2,500 - $4,900
Delivery timeframe: 10 working days
Public space interventions & pop-up parks
We’ve been loving & creating pop-up parks since the Yarraville’s popup outside the Sun Cinema, which was Hello City’s co-founder Kate McMahon’s brainchild back in 2005.
We work with Councils, the traders and local manufacturers, artists, makers and builders to create pop-up parks that reflect the values and energy of the local community and create moments of delight and quiet reflection.
We can take care of strategy, engagement or design, or everything up to procurement & construction.
Indicative cost: $9,000 - $160,000 depending of scope
Delivery timeframe: 1 - 4 months